Wednesday, June 22, 2011

@selectors in obj-c

elector in Objective C
In short, Selector can either be a name of method or a message to an object when used in the source code. And SEL is the complied form of a Selector.

- (void) fooNoInputs {
NSLog(@"Does selector test");

- (void) fooOneInput:(NSString*) first {

// NSLog(@"Does selector test");
NSLog(@"my slectore Logs %@", first);

- (void)viewDidLoad


// SELCETOR test


[self performSelector:@selector(fooNoInputs)];

[self performSelector:@selector(fooOneInput:) withObject:@"firstc"];

############## difference between

[self playButtonSound]; &

[self performSelector:@selector(playButtonSound)];

Both to the same thing, but [self playButtonSound]; is definitely the normal way to invoke a method in Objective-C. However, using performSelector: allows you to call a method that is only determined at runtime.

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